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Krydstabel for turnering 5. LSS CUP P-00039

Krydstabel for turnering 5. LSS CUP P-00039

Turnering sekretær: TS Ortwin Paetzold
Position Spiller navn Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Points SB points
1 LSS GM Panayotis Frendzas 2534
5.5 12.75
LSS CM Maxim Konstantinov 2429
5.5 12.75
3 Jürgen Koronowski 2022
3.5 5.25
4 Andrej Bezrukov 1934
2.5 3.75
5 Nicolas Barros Uriburu 918
2.0 2.50
6 Igorj Evsin 1449
2.0 2.00
7 José Antonio Briceño Ochoa 969
0.0 0.00
Turnering start dato: 2014-10-01 Turnering slut dato: 2015-04-06 , Turnering lukke dato: 2015-04-06
Startede partier: 21 Afsluttede partier: 21